For a copy-based creative who launched some of Australia’s first digital campaigns, Matt is beautifully preserved

For a copy-based creative who launched some of Australia’s first digital campaigns, Matt is beautifully preserved

Matt Busby Andrews

I create narratives for brands. I love discovering what the underlying story of a brand is then connecting it with the life of a customer. Today, I am particularly passionate about the art of creating narratives that in turn create communities.

I was very fortunate that I began my agency career with one-to-one campaigning. OgivlyOne really was the great teaching hospital, both in Sydney and in London. I pinch myself when I consider the brands I got to cut my teeth on — The Economist, American Express, Barnardos. My long suit has been in financial services. I’ve been entrusted with Amex, Barclays Capital, AMP, AMP Capital, HSBC, Commonwealth Bank and Montgomery Investment Management. More recently, care-based brands like Anglicare, Australian Hearts (which I co-founded) and Estia Health have been a big part of my campaign work.

But the double-blessing is that my career began as a young producer with the launch team for FOXTEL. So when the content explosion began in ad land, I was back in my element. Story-based work is my absolute passion. I love working with people to bring out compelling true stories that connect with audiences.

Story is the one thing that has changed for me. Once we all seemed to believe that the single-minded proposition, aimed at a target, was the power of marketing. I now believe that almost no one makes a purchase decision by themselves, we always do that in connection with others. So there’s nothing more valuable than creating communities of belonging. Brands have a big role to play here. And the one thing that develops a community is a binding story.